
Problems and challenges

I want to manage security and reduce losses

„It is safe when nothing particular happens and since nothing happened here so we are safe ….”- Or are we?

What does security management mean? What is company security? A secure company is one, whose management is aware of the risks that exist in a broadly understood business environment. In a secure enterprise, company vulnerabilities and their exposure are adequately minimized – so that potential losses in the event of a threat are at the level acceptable to the management. This means that in a secure enterprise we either limit the likelihood of such losses or reduce their extend, or we use both approaches combined. So, security management is to be aware of the risk you face while running your business and know how to mitigate the impact of outside threats (which we have no influence on since they exist objectively and commonly) on business goals.

How do you manage security? And what is security management all about?

Our unique skills will help you prevent problems from happening (and thus reduce their likelihood), or design risk response mechanisms to minimize their impact.

How can we protect ourselves against common threats which are often beyond our control (our impact on earthquakes, floods or the behavior of cyber-criminals is close to zero) and whose impact on companies using new technologies and web communications has sky-rocketed to a scale unknown ever before?

IMMUSEC experts will help you deal with the following issues:


IMMUSEC Sp. z o.o.

ul. Chłodna 52
00-872 Warszawa, Polska
Tel. +48 22 205 4800